What Does the GNU Represent in South Africa Today?

I have previously argued (https://christophermalikane.com/a-government-of-national-unity-with-no-one/) that the dominant faction of ANC leadership regards the entire spectrum of political parties, except itself, as belonging to the right. It regards the EFF as “proto-fascist”, the MKP as “tribalist” and the DA with its Moonshot Pact/Multiparty Charterists, as “neoliberals” and “racists”. The ANC leadership has not yet produced … Read more

Once More on the Constitution and the National Assembly

The interpretation of Section 46(1) of the Constitution remains a matter of public interest. The Section states, “the National Assembly consists of no less than 350 and no more than 400 women and men elected as members”. The Constitution then proceeds to describe the electoral system according to which members of the National Assembly are … Read more

A Government of National Unity with No One

The self-inflicted failure of the ANC leadership to achieve more than 50% of the votes has created a situation where the politics of convenience and opportunism thrives. While this situation has long been anticipated, it appears that the ANC leadership has been ill-prepared to confront it and, it also appears, it will navigate this phase … Read more

The Constitution and the National Assembly

On his Blog, Constitutionally Speaking (3 June 2024, https://constitutionallyspeaking.co.za/), Pierre de Vos argues that “a political party cannot sabotage the election of the President by refusing to participate in the election of President by the National Assembly”. He writes, “After the final declaration of the election results…all eyes will now turn to the first sitting of … Read more